Following the successes of its Shop and Share initiative, the TDC Business Centre and City Drug Store (Nevis) Limited have launched its school-based outreach programme.

Customers and clients can now purchase of a wide variety of school essentials (exercise books, backpacks, paper, crayons, scissors, pencils, pens, glue, markers, folders, erasers, as well as, arts and crafts supplies, etc.) and place them in specially constructed Yellow School Buses that are conveniently parked at the Point of Sale counters in the stores.

In exchange for their contribution, they will receive a ten percent (10) shoppers’ coupon towards their next purchase as a token of appreciation to the worthwhile cause.

At the end of each month until September, the educational materials will be sorted by staff and distributed to several children across the Federation based on their need with the aim of helping them to achieve success in the classroom.

Shop and Share started in 2015 and forms part of the annual Back to School promotional drive. It complements the TDC Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities which are specifically geared towards encouraging academic excellence.

The TDC Home and Building Depots has launched its curbside pickup and delivery service to meet the current needs of the public.

To access the service, customers can now place their order/s via what’s app number 662 8945  (St. Kitts) or 662 8949 (Nevis) or email [email protected] in St. Kitts or [email protected] in Nevis. A customer service agent from the store will contact customers to verify their requests, confirm quotations, and provide the link to TDC online payment platform to make purchases via credit or debit card. Once the transaction is completed, an email or what’s app message will be sent with a designated pick up or delivery time for the goods.

This additional offer now gives customers flexible access to a wide range of products to choose what they want, when they want it, and how they get it with the call and collect option.



As the COVID-19 global situation evolves, the TDC Group of Companies has taken steps to safeguard its staff and customers, by implementing a series of measures to educate and protect patrons at its respective businesses.

These measures were immediately put in place following a recent presentation to the management team by Dr. Hazel Laws, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Mr. Abdias Samuel, Head of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on the pandemic.

At strategic points across the Company, several hand sanitization stations have been set up, along with bold signage under the caption Hero Habits, offering simple and helpful guidelines from industry experts.

On its social media channels, information is posted about actions that should be taken to help prevent the contraction and spreading of the disease and will be revised as updates from the health authorities become available.

To ensure customers’ and employees’ safety you are reminded to maintain “social distance”, i.e., up to six feet. In addition, payments by credit and debit cards and the use of online payment platforms, instead of cash, are encouraged.

These actions are in addition to the deep cleaning processes already in place which pays special attention to frequently touched surfaces, such as, shopping carts, shelves, light switches, doorknobs, POS systems, registers, counters, etc. There is a heightened awareness about hand hygiene and all staff are encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly and often and to wear gloves, where practicable.

An Emergency Response Team has been established to evaluate and respond, in real time, as part of the proactive approach to tend to the needs of the staff and customers, if needed.

These steps form part of the company’s ongoing commitment to balance exceptional service, while keeping everyone healthy.


Picture: TDC Customer reading COVID-19 Guidelines at the TDC Home and Building Depot

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