For the month of March, farmers are being celebrated by the TDC Home and Building Depots for their contribution to agriculture, in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Over the four (4) week period, the retail stores are offering savings on tool, garden supplies, including mulch, fertilizers, pesticides, equipment, machinery, and inputs, among others.
This year, several farmers will be recognized for their efforts with the ‘Farmer of the Year’ Award, which is an in-store shoppers’ incentive launched in 2021, to help them acquire additional materials to better increase output.
To meet their varying needs, field representatives from the Lawn and Garden Centres have been visiting and interacting with the fraternity offering practical advice and solutions on how to improve production, while ensuring food safety and security.
Picture: Ras Bora of Gideon Farm in Old Road showing the progress of locally grown berries during a Farmers Field visit