The Charles E. Mills Secondary School and the Charlestown Primary School have each won a brand-new Lenovo Think Centre desktop computer in the TDC Business Centre/CDS (Nevis) Limited ‘Rep Your School’ Competition.

The sales and promotional activity which ran from 1st thru 31st March 2019, was open to all patrons who bought products or services at a minimum of fifty dollars (EC$50.00) or more to qualify for a chance to vote for their favourite secondary school on St. Kitts and primary school on Nevis.

After making their respective purchases, customers were given a ballot at the Point of Sale Counters to cast their vote for their learning institution of choice and deposit their entries in specially marked boxes at the retail stores.

At the end of the thirty-day campaign, the two schools received the most votes from among over fifty ballots cast, after which the schools were notified of their good fortune.

The managers then made arrangements to visit the schools recently and presented the start of the art equipment valued three thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars (EC$3175) during the morning assembly sessions, in the presence of the students, teachers and auxiliary staff.

The contest was first held in 2017 and forms part of the TDC Group’s ongoing customer engagement programme that is designed to further interact and share experiences, while fostering brand growth and building loyalty.


Photo: Mr. Evris Huggins, Manager, TDC Business Centre (St. Kitts) presenting a brand-new Lenovo ThinkPad Desktop Computer to students of the Charles E. Mills Secondary School during assembly.

Photo: Mr. Laughton Herbert, Manager, City Drug Store (Nevis) Limited presenting a brand-new Lenovo ThinkPad Desktop Computer to Ms. Latoya Jeffers, Principal and students.

As the preparations continue for the staging of the sixty-first annual 4 H Aquatic Sports Meet on Easter Monday, the TDC Group of Companies has once again pledged its support to ensure that this year’s event is a success.

In a brief presentation ceremony held at the company’s head office on Wednesday 17th April, Mr. Winston ‘Zack’ Nisbett, the Event Coordinator, was presented with a variety gifts and tokens, which will be presented to the respective winners in this year’s competition.

According to Mr. Nisbett, “TDC’s contribution is very much appreciated.  In fact, TDC has become one of our longstanding partners over the years, and for that we are very grateful.  Thank You.”

He further added, “having TDC on board shows that they understand the value of preserving our culture and giving back to the community in a meaningful way.”

As part of its corporate social responsibility agenda, TDC continues to support several programmes that further promote historical and cultural preservation across several communities in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Some of these include the History and Heritage Week, The St. Christopher National Trust Heroes Day Excursion, the Nevis Artisan Village, and Culturama.

Photo Caption: Mr. Winston ‘Zack’ Nisbett, Event Coordinator receiving TDC’s Annual Contribution from Ms. Donielle Estridge, Junior Accounts Officer

With the Easter celebrations and Good Friday kite flying activities just around the corner, the TDC Home and Building Depot in St. Kitts is playing its part in making sure that the traditional art remains alive.

Twenty (20) children and their parents/guardians were on hand for the three (3) hour session facilitated by Mr. Curvis Jeffers.  The grand master of the art took participants on a historical journey, using original materials to make their own unique creations that would take to the skies on Good Friday.

Patrons also took the opportunity to learn, as they made their way through the store browsing or making purchases, with many expressing their delight and praising the activity.

The in-store workshop forms part of the company’s ongoing unique customer experience campaign that was started in 2018.  Plans are already afoot to have similar sessions for other TDC retail stores soon.

Picture: Mr Curvis Jeffers making a traditional kite with participants in the TDC Home and Building Depot Kite Making Activity

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