TDC Home and Building Depots encourage the public to get ‘Heart Healthy’ in February

With several requests being made by health authorities in the Federation to adopt heathier lifestyles, the TDC Home

With several requests being made by health authorities in the Federation to adopt heathier lifestyles, the TDC Home and Building Depots continues to play its part in ensuring that its patrons are reminded of the importance of doing so in the month of February.

Through its annual Heart Healthy campaign, the retail stores are offering deep discounts on all red heart tagged items that include blenders, juicers, food processors, exercise equipment, electronics, crockery, household and even furniture.

Every Saturday, from 9 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. a team of certified health professionals are in store to provide free blood sugar and blood pressure checks along with useful advice and counseling sessions for general well-being at the Home and Building Depot on St. Kitts.  

On Nevis, the certified pharmacy technicians at the City Drug Store are offering the same service daily for any customer/client who wants to have his/her heart marching to the right beat.

All persons screened will be given their results immediately on specially created forms for themselves or to take to their individual doctors for follow up (if and where necessary).

This year, the Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI) has supported the efforts of the company and will host an Instore Tasting Event, where National award-winning Chef Larry Monrose will show patrons how to prepare and enjoy simple, delicious, and nutritious meals that are all heart approved.

Following the success of last year’s ‘Get Fit’ activities, the public is invited to join the staff from across the Group every Tuesday, at the TDC Staff Centre on the Frigate Bay Road, to participate in a series of weekly exercise sessions all coordinated by trained and certified wellness practitioners as part of the heart healthy craze.

The month-long sales and promotional events are intended to further educate and inspire patrons to improve their quality of life.

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