Basseterre, St. Kitts – The St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla Trading and Development Company Limited (TDC) held its 51st Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 17th December 2024 at 5:00 p.m. at the St. Kitts Mariott Resort, Frigate Bay. The Company was pleased to host its shareholders both physically and virtually.

The Annual Report featured the Report of the Directors, reports from Board Committees, Independent Auditor’s (Grant Thornton) Report and the Financial Reports of the Company. It also highlighted the impact the Company has had on the lives of some of the Warren C Tyson Memorial Scholarship scholars, including Prime Minister Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew. A copy of the report may be found on the Company’s website at

The Company’s Financial Report covered the fourteen-month period spanning February 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 as it transitioned from a year-end of January 31 to March 31. Highlights of the results for the period under review follow:

Particulars                    31 March 2024($)   31 January 2023($)

Total Assets                    459,262,973                  448,774,703

Shareholders’ Equity      200,328,441                  190,800,674

Profit before tax              15,763,307                    8,374,790


The shareholders approved the directors’ recommendation to pay a record dividend of 8 cents per share ($4,160,000), which is 60% higher than the 5 cents per share ($2,600,000) approved and paid in 2023.

Shareholders were fully engaged and participative, asked several pertinent questions and made recommendations.  A cocktail reception followed the meeting at which directors were able to have further discussions with shareholders.

The Company thanks all its shareholders and customers for their continued patronage, and its employees for their dedication and commitment to providing excellent customer service that fosters continued growth and prosperity.


The TDC Group of Companies held its forty-eight (48) Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 16th November 2021, to report on the company’s performance for the period February 1st, 2020, to January 31st, 2021.

Presiding over the meeting, Mr. Earle Kelly, Chairman/CEO welcomed shareholders both virtually and in person to hear firsthand of the activities undertaken by the Group, against the backdrop of the COVID19 pandemic, which is still being experienced globally.

The Board of Directors reported, “the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March 2020 placed severe constraints on economic activities in the Federation. The TDC Group rapidly responded to the crisis by establishing a cross-functional COVID-19 Taskforce and have been exemplary in swiftly implementing strict health and safety protocols, by pivoting to embrace remote working by staff and adopting new technologies to enhance both the customer and the employee experiences.”

Addressing business performance, the Executives also noted, “changing consumer behaviours, adverse market conditions, and income losses among our customers put pressure sales in certain product lines and service areas, especially the tourism and hospitality operations. The trading and financial services companies feared better and returned commendable results.”

The Group generated Profit Before Income Tax from Continuing Operations of $11,225,417 and Profit After Income Tax of $8,007,277 compared to Loss of $2,218,547 and $4,450,896, respectively in the prior year. As a result of the year’s financial performance, the company paid shareholders a dividend of six and a half (6.5) cents per share, amounting to $3,380,000.

In speaking about the future, the company’s real estate and construction project will continue at Dewars on St. Kitts and the land exchange of 40,215 sq. ft. with a building at Budgeon Estate, Nevis, for two (2) acres at Farms Estate, earmarked for middle income housing.

“Our signature initiative has been the recent launch of our online shopping website: This is expected to be a gamechanger for the TDC Group. While we pursue technology-enabled initiatives to engage our stakeholders, personal interactions and relationships remain as valuable as the utility of the tools that we make available.”

The Group’s good corporate governance agenda is focused on the delivery of a strategic plan. This companywide project includes a transformation process, which began in early 2020, to ramp up Human Resource development and engagement, IT initiatives using emerging technological trends, and Data Analytics.

At the close of the meeting, the Executive recorded its profound appreciation to its dedicated and committed staff who contributed significantly to ensuring that the Group has survived the vagaries of the pandemic.

“We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the entire team of the TDC Group of Companies. Our ability to operate safely and seamlessly throughout the pandemic-induced disruptions, restrictions and lockdowns is a test of our resolve and strength as a Group. It also testifies to our collective efforts, proactive leadership and genuine care for our employees and customers, to whom we are most grateful and appreciative. We must, and we will continue to work together for the benefit of all our shareholders and other stakeholders in keeping with our motto: Together We Succeed.”

The Corporate event was held at the Caribbean Credit Corporation Union Headquarters at Fortlands in Basseterre.

Picture 1: TDC Group of Companies Board of Directors pose for a photo following the 48th Annual General Meeting