Tuesday 8th March 2022 is celebrated worldwide as International Women’s Day.  This year, the TDC Group of Companies has chosen to highlight six (6) of its long serving female employees, who have each carved their place as outstanding leaders.

Mrs. Veron Walters-Chapman, Supervisor, TDC Inventory Department (Nevis), Ms. Maritza Bowry, Group Finance Director, Ms. Belinda Claxton, Assistant Manager, TDC Home and Building Depot (Nevis), Mrs. Rubercilla Jeffers, Underwriting Supervisor, TDC Insurance Company Limited (St. Kitts), Ms. Linda Huggins, Credit and Contracts Administration Manager, and Mrs. Charlene Stapleton, Group Chief Internal Auditor, were singled out for their contribution to the advancement of the Group and more so for their leadership attributes.

In their own words, each employee spoke of their journey, beliefs, and how they have helped to shape the development of the company, by making a positive difference, as women performing in roles traditionally held by men.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I joined TDC in 1990 as a cashier.  I have climbed the corporate ladder and today, I am the Supervisor of the Inventory Department. I would encourage other young women to be strong, love your job and do your work to the best of your ability. You too can become exceptional leaders!”

Mrs Veron Walters, Supervisor, TDC Inventory Department (Nevis)

“This year the theme for International Women’s Day, “Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” is relevant, as we navigate our unique paths to achieve our goals, whilst striving for excellence. I encourage all women to remain focused, committed and dedicated in pursuit of their dreams. Having served the company for over 25 years, it is indeed a privilege and honour to be the first female to hold the position of Finance Director of the TDC Group of Companies.”

Ms Maritza Bowry, Group Finance Director

“I have been with TDC for over 32 years. Starting as an Accounts Clerk, I have worked in several departments including Accounts, Business Equipment and Airlines. Today, I am the Assistant Manager of the Home and Building Depot, Nevis. I am proud to have contributed to breaking the glass ceiling that has long been held over women. I encourage all women to set standards. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and seek wisdom to know the difference.  There is no limit to what we can accomplish as women.”

Ms Belinda Claxton, Assistant Manager, TDC Home and Building Depot (Nevis) Limited

“A woman is the full circle, within her, is the power to create, nurture and transform” – Diane Mariechid

“Kudos to ALL women on this International Women’s Day.  I wish to celebrate with us on the contributions we have made to society over the years and how we have triumphed through the difficulties which have brought us thus far. Despite gender inequalities we as women continue to beat all odds. Over 24 years ago I joined TDC as an Administrative Secretary.  I am now the Underwriting Supervisor at TDC Insurance.”

“Let us all continue to excel in our given spheres of influence, trusting God knowing that we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us”

Mrs Rubercilla Jeffers, Underwriting Supervisor, TDC Insurance Company Limited

“Leadership comes naturally to us women as we are born with all the characteristics in our DNA.  Leadership and womanhood require nurturing, guidance, patience, a sense of teamwork, the willingness to teach, the acceptance of failure and the humbleness of success.  I joined TDC over 40 years ago as an Accounts Clerk, and today I sit as the Manager of the Credit Department.  I encourage all women in the workforce to stand your grounds and apply yourself to achieving whatever you desire.  Always remember to have your notepad, with your notes to refer to!”

Ms Linda Huggins, Credit and Contracts Administration Manager

“I am honoured to be recognized as a professional woman in leadership who seeks to uphold the theme of this year’s celebration of International Women’s Day. I have been with the Company for 35 years, starting as an Assistant Accountant.  I am now the Group Chief Internal Auditor.  My favourite quote to share on International Women’s Day is- “A Woman who walks with God will always fulfill her destiny”. Happy International Women’s Day to all the women in TDC.  Whatever role you play, serve conscientiously and with integrity.”

Mrs Charlene Stapleton, Group Internal Auditor

Women are powerful agents of change and drivers of progress for everyone. TDC salutes you for your leadership and wish you continued success.

Picture: Ms. Maritza Bowry, TDC Group Finance Director

While the month of February is traditionally known as the month of love, the TDC Home and Building Depots are using the month to encourage customers to get active.

Whether it be a simple walk, running, or eating well, the Get Active campaign is more than a sales promotion, offering savings on a wide variety of products, geared towards making the best choices for healthy living.

This year, the companies have partnered with the Health Promotion Units (HPU) in the Ministries of Health and the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) to organize a series of activities to help curb the increase in the number of non-communicable diseases and their impact, through screening, testing, and education, across the TDC Group and the wider Community.

The Get Active initiative started in 2021 to encourage customers and the public at large, to adopt and make healthier lifestyle choices that would lead to happier and more productive lives.

The TDC Group of Companies held its forty-eight (48) Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 16th November 2021, to report on the company’s performance for the period February 1st, 2020, to January 31st, 2021.

Presiding over the meeting, Mr. Earle Kelly, Chairman/CEO welcomed shareholders both virtually and in person to hear firsthand of the activities undertaken by the Group, against the backdrop of the COVID19 pandemic, which is still being experienced globally.

The Board of Directors reported, “the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March 2020 placed severe constraints on economic activities in the Federation. The TDC Group rapidly responded to the crisis by establishing a cross-functional COVID-19 Taskforce and have been exemplary in swiftly implementing strict health and safety protocols, by pivoting to embrace remote working by staff and adopting new technologies to enhance both the customer and the employee experiences.”

Addressing business performance, the Executives also noted, “changing consumer behaviours, adverse market conditions, and income losses among our customers put pressure sales in certain product lines and service areas, especially the tourism and hospitality operations. The trading and financial services companies feared better and returned commendable results.”

The Group generated Profit Before Income Tax from Continuing Operations of $11,225,417 and Profit After Income Tax of $8,007,277 compared to Loss of $2,218,547 and $4,450,896, respectively in the prior year. As a result of the year’s financial performance, the company paid shareholders a dividend of six and a half (6.5) cents per share, amounting to $3,380,000.

In speaking about the future, the company’s real estate and construction project will continue at Dewars on St. Kitts and the land exchange of 40,215 sq. ft. with a building at Budgeon Estate, Nevis, for two (2) acres at Farms Estate, earmarked for middle income housing.

“Our signature initiative has been the recent launch of our online shopping website: shoptdcgroup.com. This is expected to be a gamechanger for the TDC Group. While we pursue technology-enabled initiatives to engage our stakeholders, personal interactions and relationships remain as valuable as the utility of the tools that we make available.”

The Group’s good corporate governance agenda is focused on the delivery of a strategic plan. This companywide project includes a transformation process, which began in early 2020, to ramp up Human Resource development and engagement, IT initiatives using emerging technological trends, and Data Analytics.

At the close of the meeting, the Executive recorded its profound appreciation to its dedicated and committed staff who contributed significantly to ensuring that the Group has survived the vagaries of the pandemic.

“We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the entire team of the TDC Group of Companies. Our ability to operate safely and seamlessly throughout the pandemic-induced disruptions, restrictions and lockdowns is a test of our resolve and strength as a Group. It also testifies to our collective efforts, proactive leadership and genuine care for our employees and customers, to whom we are most grateful and appreciative. We must, and we will continue to work together for the benefit of all our shareholders and other stakeholders in keeping with our motto: Together We Succeed.”

The Corporate event was held at the Caribbean Credit Corporation Union Headquarters at Fortlands in Basseterre.

Picture 1: TDC Group of Companies Board of Directors pose for a photo following the 48th Annual General Meeting

The TDC Group of Companies has been recognized for its contribution to the advancement of the agriculture sector in St. Kitts and Nevis.

The company received the Best Input Supplier Award in the Agricultural Division at the 2021 World Food Day Heroes Awards Ceremony organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources, on Thursday 21st October 2021.

The award was presented to Mr. Iston Williams, Senior Manager of the TDC Home and Building Depot on St. Kitts by the Honourable Alexis Jeffers, Minister of Agriculture et al. The accolade recognizes, honours, and celebrates the company’s work in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries, and its contribution to food security, and helping to make the local food system more productive and sustainable.

The TDC Group through its Home and Building Depots continues to actively support a wide cross section of the farming community by providing agricultural inputs, training, technical assistance, and incentives during its annual Farmers Appreciation Sales Event in the month of March.

This year’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) World Food Day Awards was held under the theme, “Our Actions Are Our Future – Better Production, Better Nutrition, A Better Environment and A Better Life” and forms part of the activities organized to observe World Food Day.

The phrase ‘going pink’ is taken literally by the TDC Home and Building Depot on the Frigate Bay Road.

The store’s façade has been replaced with pink lighting at nights to show its corporate support for Breast Cancer Awareness, celebrated in the month of October.

Traditionally, the store hosts its annual Pinktober campaign, which features an in-store sales promotion and weekly free breast screening sessions for the public, in partnership with the Health fraternity.

This year, because of the COVID19 pandemic, the management team chose a unique, yet creative way to support the National effort and show solidarity by celebrating strength, survival, and advocacy for those affected by the disease.

Picture – A section of the TDC Home and Building Depot in St. Kitts façade lit in Pink

The TDC Financial Services Company Limited has once again been underscored its commitment to academic advancement with the presentation of its annual Academic Excellence Award.

The awards were jointly handover by  Mr. Wayne Woodley, Operations Manager and Mr. Nicolas Menon, Executive Director at a brief ceremony held on Saturday 9th October 2021 at the TDC Training Room, on Fort Street, in Basseterre.

This year’s recipients who were recognized for their outstanding performances were:

Basseterre High School – Stephanie Kawall (Deane Glasford Primary School)

Cayon High School – Mia Isaac (Cayon Primary School)

Charles E. Mills Secondary School – Zemorleah Baker (Sandy Point Primary School)

Saddlers Secondary School – Jahlecia Walters (Saddlers Primary School)

Verchilds High School – Shanaria Douglas (Bronte Welsh Primary School)

Washington Archibald High School – T’Shawn Merchant (Dr. William Connor Primary School)

Charlestown Secondary School – Zahir Hart (St. Thomas Primary School)

Gingerland Secondary School – Antwon Percival (Elizabeth Pemberton Primary School)

According to Mr. Steve Farier, the TDC Financial Services Company Limited’s General Manager, “the company is pleased to play our part in supporting academic excellence, especially for our young people.  This award celebrates their achievements and inspires them to continue to do their very best as they journey through academia.”

The TDC Financial Services Company Limited Academic Excellence Awards were established in 2018 to recognize the runner ups of the TDC Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship, who performed exceptionally well in their studies at the primary school level en route to secondary school with a five hundred dollar school package.

Picture – (Left to Right) Back Row – Mr. Nicolas Menon, TDC Financial Services Company Limited Executive Director, Mr. Wayne Woodley, Operations Manager, TDC Financial Services Company Limited, Mr. Francil Morris, Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Earle Kelly, TDC Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Mr . Glenville Jeffers, TDC Financial Services Company Limited

Front Row – Left – Right (Front Row) 2021 TDC Financial Services Company Limited Academic Excellence Awardees

Eight (8) students, six (6) from St. Kitts and two (2) from Nevis, who recently started their secondary school journey have been awarded the 2021 Warren C. Tyson Memorial Scholarship.

At a brief ceremony, held on Saturday 9th October 2021, Mr. Earle Kelly, TDC Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Mr. Francil Morris, the Chief Education Officer representing the Ministry of Education, presented the scholarships at the company’s headquarters on Fort Street in Basseterre.

In addressing the gathering, Mr. Kelly spoke of the importance of the programme, even against the backdrop of the COVID19 pandemic and pledged to support the educational advancement of the Nation’s future.

“We at TDC, we are firmly of the view that this is an investment come pandemic, hurricane or earthquake, we are going to continue to support the Warren C. Tyson Scholarship Programme. We have decided to cut back on a number of things, and this is one area where we decided, we can’t cut back on, because it’s an investment in the future.  Rest assured that all things being equal, this Programme will continue for another forty (40) years.”

The 2021 recipients are:

St. Kitts

Basseterre High School – Jazara Jarvis (Irish Town Primary)

Cayon High School – Dave Cannonier (Joshua Obadiah Williams)

Charles E. Mills Secondary School – Denim Henry (Irish Town Primary)

Saddlers Secondary School – Hezekiel Richardson (Edgar T Morris Primary)

Verchilds High School – Antwone Percival (Tyrell Williams Primary)

Washington Archibald High School – Shakaylia Tatem (Tucker Clarke Primary)


Charlestown Secondary School – Jamual McDonald (Elizabeth Pemberton Primary)

Gingerland Secondary School – Shakirah Wilkin (St. James Primary)

The deserving young scholars are now members of an alumnus that includes educators, doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists, and politicians, who have all benefited from the programme, which is now in its fortieth year.

The event was also attended by parents, guardians, senior managers, and Executive Directors of the TDC Group of Companies.

Picture: Left – Right (Back Row) Mr. Nicolas Menon, Executive Director and Warren C Tyson Memorial Scholarship Programme Director, Mr. Francil Morris, Chief Education Officer, Mr. Earle Kelly, Chairman/CEO, Mr. Glenville Jeffers, Executive Director

Left – Right (Front Row) 2021 Warren C Tyson Scholarship Memorial Programme Awardees

About the Warren C Tyson Memorial Scholarship Programme

The TDC Warren Tyson Memorial Scholarship program, was named after the first Chairman, Mr. Warren C. Tyson, started in 1981. The program is designed to assist and support students entering the secondary schools across St. Kitts-Nevis.

The young scholars are eligible to receive financial assistance throughout their secondary and tertiary school tenures. Students are also afforded the opportunity to work at across several departments and related businesses during their vacation period, e.g., Easter, Summer, and Christmas, as well as on Saturdays, which helps them to develop socially and professionally.

Another related benefit is the fact that these students also receive a stipend while at work. Accordingly, the financial and academic benefits plus the experience and maturity that are gleaned from this opportunity are invaluable.

Since its inception, approximately one hundred and fifty (150) students have gone through the program. Today, some of these Warren Tyson Scholars are at University pursuing further studies or are full time employees within the Company, many who hold Managerial and/or Supervisory positions across the Group.


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The TDC Group of Companies has created a new shopping experience with the launch of its eCommerce platform, on Thursday 29th July 2021.

The online store, www.shoptdcgroup.com gives customers the opportunity to shop from anywhere in the world and at any time from a computer or smart device with twenty-four-hour access to over 16,000 products at affordable prices, from the Automotive Divisions, Business Centre, City Drug Store, and the Home and Building Depots, from a secure and safe platform.

In speaking about the launch, Mr. Kelly, TDC Group Chairman, stated, “The TDC Group has since adapted and found creative ways of interacting with and meeting the needs of, our many customers. Over the last 12 months, we have been working on more efficient ways for all our customers, at home and abroad to conduct business with us.”

“Today, we are pleased to introduce to you shoptdcgroup.com, a new online shopping experience!  For your convenience, TDC has created a “one-stop-shop”, where you can now purchase thousands of products with ease from your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, anytime, and from anywhere from a secure and safe platform.”

“We are so excited to unveil this first phase and can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself”.

Mr. Nicolas Menon, Executive Director and Project Lead also spoke to the foundation and future of the eCommerce for the TDC Group.

“Shoptdcgroup.com is a significant milestone for the TDC Group of Companies and a huge undertaking.  It was a natural progression for us to embark upon this project, as it aligned with our goals. “

“There was also customer demand, we heard you, we listened, and are answering your requests.  It was important for us to start small, create a solid foundation, and provide a strong offering via our retail services.”

“With this first phase, we feel ready to be able to provide an online service that allows our customers to shop safely and securely at their convenience. As we continue to source product images and expand our inventory, customers will see more and more products and categories come online,” concluded Menon.

In the very near future, the company has plans in place to expand to other areas including non-retail services to meet better customers’ needs more efficiently, easily, and conveniently.

Picture – TDC Shop Online Ad Campaign for shoptdcgroup.com